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Hadracha & Inspiration

Date Prep Audio for Boys from NASI

Drivers Ed for Shidduch- Boys Edition – DOWNLOAD LINK
Use Code:
shuk at Checkout to download the audio FREE.

NASI has just released the boys version of their acclaimed audio series for newer dates. Rav Shalom Kamenetzky who has known and worked with Mrs. Goldbaum for years listened to the audio carefully and gives his warm divrei bracha and chizuk and the onset of the audio. In the words of Rav Shalom Shlita, “Mrs. Goldbaum is an excellent and successful shidduch coach. Every step of the shidduch process is clearly defined, She helps the bachur gain clarity

Feedback from boys who recently listened to the audio: “Wow I just heard it and enjoyed it a lot. It was very clear and informative. I need to listen again and take notes!” Eli F. BMG | “The shidduch audio from Mrs. Goldbaum is amazing. She lays out what needs to be said in simple and logical steps. Every boy and girl should listen to this before they start shidduchim. I think it is essential. Great job.” Menachem F. BMG

Please be advised that this audio is strictly intended for the person who downloads it. They are not to be downloaded and then shared.

A song of Chizuk about life by: Life In A Song
[email protected]

See the lyrics More Information

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! – Important Note M – Located in Manhattan 🛇 – Place not recommended
– Times are Approximate. – Ratings are based on a date experience not on the place itself. – Hours and Hechsher may change. Please call to confirm. See More…

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