Below is a list of useful resources for shidduchim. If you have something to add, leave it in the comments or message us.
Tips & Topics General Info About Cities Car Rentals Car Services Coaches Games
- Lev Chana Leah – Assistance to pay for date-related expenses –
- Free Rental Car – Rental cars are now available to facilitate a shidduch for any boy who is a new arrival in BMG/BME/Rav Asher Weiss/Rabbi Goldenberg’s/Rabbi Leff/Rav Shustal, Strickmans/Bais Yosef etc. If it’s your first year back from Eretz Yisrael and the girl is over 21, OR if you (the boy) are in 4th year or below, text Shuey Greenspan at 732-569-0719. Cars are available from Lakewood, Brooklyn and Monsey. Available at ARIZ.
- DRN Gemachs
- Games/ Watch Gemachs:
LAKEWOOD (MAIN LOCATION): Self-service in the Irv Room 109. This location is fully stocked with tens of games, watches, umbrellas, straws, water, bags, etc. For more info feel free to call (732) 523-0614.
Also available at this location:
CHICAGO: (773) 203-1718. Waze device available at this location.
BROOKLYN: Torah V’Daas. Waze device available at this location.
BALTIMORE: Ner Yisroel
LOS ANGELES: (323) 485-8507. GPS available at this location.
MONSEY (2 Locations): Mariner Way (845) 659-3660 -or- R’ Asher Weiss Yeshiva
CLEVELAND: (216) 849-0209
DETROIT: (248) 915-2159
MIAMI: (305) 527-3762
TORONTO (DRN AFFILIATE): (416) 880-9114
- DRN Venue Assistance Hotline- Call or text (732) 523-0614 for help finding an appropriate lobby, activity, restaurant, or to create a perfect combination.
- Shidduch Venue Assistance – Call/Text 732-200-4900
- Other Shidduch Resource Websites –,,
- Latest Engagements –
- Shailos – Bais Horah of Lakewood – 732-905-9992
- Kashrus & Dining Websites –,,
- GPS Gemach – In refrigerator room on second floor of BMG 6th Street dorm (for BMG bochurim) or call: 732-901-1945 / 732-370-0793 / 732-961-2034 / 732-364-1154
- Proposal Gemach – Lakewood: Tori Dr. 732-691-8574; BMG- 646-8315143 | Brooklyn: 347-628-6079 | Monsey: 347-277-4072 | 5 Towns: 516-668-7833 or TEXT 347-596-4892 | Los Angeles: 347-691-2039 | Baltimore: 443-858-4864 | Dallas: 929-351-4488 | Queens: 917-599-7488 | Passaic: 201-832-0484 | Florida: 305-965-5668 | Chicago: 773-896-3376
- Games To Play Or Use On A Date – located in refrigerator room on second floor of BMG 6th Street dorm (for BMG bochurim).
Also, Room 109 in the Irv, Call 732-523-0614 for more details. - See list above for locations in other cities.
- Teffilin Gemachs – 732-901-8891 / 732-364-3753 / 732-942-1876 / 732-363-5084
- Car Services (If you don’t drive yet) – To see a list of car services click here.
- Chidushim V’tziyunim Section – Share all your new pegisha places and pegisha combinations here.
- Weather & Directions hotline from TellMe – (866) 895-3124 or At&t users can dial #121
- GPS SMS – Text an address “to” another address to 732-994-6947
- Hitching Spots – Using your parents’ car can sometimes be more economical than renting one. If your parents are from Brooklyn (or Monsey) you can hitch there pretty easily from the first entrance of Whispering Pines (Squankum Rd and Kennedy Blvd) You could also hitch back from Brooklyn at the end of Ft. Hamilton Ave right before the BQE (by the bus stop).
- Manhattan Parking – We recommend using when parking in NYC. It can save you between 30-70% on parking costs versus paying for a garage on the spot. The downside is that you can sometimes find parking on the street at a much lower cost. There are codes to use to get money off for your first park.
- Minyanim & Z’manim Anywhere – If you are going out of town for a date and need to find a minyan, check out (new & improved). For the latest z’manim including mincha gedola and shkiah check out Alternatively, you can text any zip code of any location to 516-261-6262 and it will text back all z’manim relevant to that area.
- Brochos Textline –Currently out of order On a date and forgot the brocha for a certain food? Don’t mumble a Shehakol or ask her for the brocha – text the name of the food to (612) Brochos or 612-276-2467. (tip: explain before texting).
- Hadracha for Bochurim in BMG – R’ Glatzer 732-569-1039 R’Privalsky 732-608-1294
- Kol Berama / music on phone – 712-432-3407 / 712-432-3405
- Shidduch House – 732-363-7076 / 732-730-1796 / 732-370-6058 / 732-503-9345 / 732-5039343 / 732-370-7793 / 917-690-2275
- Proposal Prop Rental – Call / Text Pro-pose at 732-908-9344.
- Late Minyanim: Lakewood – Satmar 405 Forest Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701 Brooklyn – Shomer Shabbos 1280 53rd St, Brooklyn / Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin 2913 Avenue L, Brooklyn, NY 11210 / Ropshitz 1858 53rd st, Brooklyn, NY 11204 / Landaus 1202 E 9th St, Brooklyn, NY 11230, NY 11219 Monsey – Viznitz 25 Phyllis Terrace, Monsey, NY 10952 / Scheiners 18 Forshay Rd, Monsey, NY 10952
7 Responses
its definitely waaaay better to ask her the bracha then text for a bracha
she’ll respect you more for being able to get over your pride and just ask another knowledgable human being
For late maariv in Manhattan go to the East Side Torah Center. Maariv at 10:10
317 Henry St, New York, NY 10002
Rabbi Packer – (212)473-1000
( 212)475-6941
For Queens ‘minyan factory until midnight’ go to Kesser Torah 72-11 vleigh place Flushing, NY
Date Resource Network GAMES, GPS, Watches, Umbrellas Gemachs:
CHICAGO: (773) 203-1718
LOS ANGELES: (323) 485-8507
MONSEY: R’ Asher Weiss Yeshiva
CLEVELAND: (213) 849-0209
DETROIT: (248) 915-2159
MIAMI: (305) 527-3762
TORONTO (AFFILIATE): (416) 880-9114
Update: 2nd Monsey location 845-659-3660
Updated: Baltimore Location in Ner Yisroel
Rochelle Kipnis (Shadchanit) text only – send dating resume and photos to 610-533-0711 (always FREE services –
Helps with shidduchim and planning proposals – always free)