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Shidduchim for Dummies

Firstly, prepare a דבר תורה in case you would like to tell it to the girl’s father. Also, make sure you have the girl’s address,

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Saying yes or no to a שידוך is a very sensitive topic. Every case is different, and it’s hard to give universal rules. It is

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Where To Go

The first date usually takes place at a lounge. If you’re located in Brooklyn, the Brooklyn Marriott is a very popular option. As you enter,

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Imagine a new בחור in ישיבה sits down next to you during lunch. You ask “What is your name? Where are you from?” Would you

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Show Care But Not Affection

Part of Shidduchim 101 – Part 6 Obviously, it is inappropriate to show any affection before becoming engaged. However, caring is not affection. Caring means

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Focus On Her

Part of Shidduchim 101 – Part 4 Some boys make the mistake of focusing conversation on showing themself off. The boy talks about his מעלות,

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Explain Your Actions

Part of Shidduchim 101 – Part 2 A girl who is on a date is very nervous. Everything the boy does is over-interpreted. Therefore, it

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Length of a Date

Part of Shidduchim 101 – Part 1 The point of a date is to get a better understanding of who the prospective match is. The

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! – Important Note M – Located in Manhattan 🛇 – Place not recommended
– Times are Approximate. – Ratings are based on a date experience not on the place itself. – Hours and Hechsher may change. Please call to confirm. See More…

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